Discuss one methodological issue presented throughout course


For this analysis, I have chosen the moral panic of "video game addiction" that has been prevalent in society for over a decade. The fear that video games are addictive has led to concerns about their effects on young people, with some experts suggesting that they can lead to violence, addiction, and a range of other problems.

i. Review Deviance, Crime and Social Control reading.

ii. Chohen, Stanley. 2002. Folk Devils and Moral Panics: The creation of the Mods and Rockers London and New York: Routledge, Introduction to the Thrid Edition: Pages 6 - 26

iii. Listen to one "Fear Not" Podcast (about 20-25 minutes;)

A. Apply Cohen's characteristics to video game addition. Illustrate each characteristic, using materials provided (e.g., Week 11 PPT and reading, podcast).

B. Does video game addiction illustrate Glassner's "culture of fear" thesis? How or how not? What role do moral entrepreneurs play? Provide examples, using materials provided (e.g., Week 11 PPT and reading, podcast)

C. Apply one sociological perspective (e.g., structural functionalism) OR concept (e.g., social control) to video game addiction. Demonstrate how it is a suitable illustration of this perspective or concept. [Tip: Before applying your example, define and/or explain the perspective or concept].

D. Discuss one methodological issue (e.g., correlation versus causation; cognitive bias, misleading graphs, an ethical issue) presented throughout the course. Apply it to video game addiction and demonstrate how it is a suitable illustration of this methodological issue. Define the methodological issue.

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