
Discuss one aspect of managed care backlash


The two-decade period from the mid-1970s through the mid-1990s encompassed the ascendancy of a particular style of health plan - the managed care organization - in the private health care marketplace and also as a contractor to Medicare and Medicaid. Responding to pressures from employers and government to control health care costs, these organizations (in collaboration with risk-bearing provider systems) instituted a variety of "supply-side" mechanisms, financial and non-financial, to influence provider behavior. Accompanying steps were taken to manage access to care on the part of plan enrollees. The result, eventually, was "managed care backlash" on the part of consumers and providers, precipitated in part by a redefinition of health benefits' objectives on the part of employers. Discuss one aspect of managed care backlash that occurred during the late 90's. Your discussion should be supported by at least one peer reviewed article.


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