
Discuss new legislation as it relates to hr


1: Discuss new legislation as it relates to HR? Are there new laws which need to be develop? In what area and what would the impact be?

2:New legislations and Human Resource Management is an ongoing thing as we evolve as a society and the business world is now global. Some of the more recent laws concern sexual harassment, that might come from a fellow coworker or a manager or owner of a business. There needs to be a culture of anti sexual harrasment established in company's. Company's need to make sure that there is a policy and a chain of command to follow in case of an incident. If not the company and individual involved is leaving themselves open for a law suit. I think there should be laws on making sure that not only is the work force diverse but also the key areas of management.

3:Human Resource management must abide by federal Laws as to employee human rights employee race color or religion, gender can not be tolerated. Human Resources must assure the work climate is free from sexual harassment. Office policy should be included in the employees orientation. An employer must not discriminate an potential candidate for being pregnant, this must not be an excuse for not hiring the Candidate

4: While I don't feel that they are inherently enemies, I would say that relationship can deteriorate very quickly. I believe this is because of the interest they serve. I feel that we like to think the Human Resources is just for the people. I also think that we like to believe that the Unions are just for the people. In the end, Human Resources serves their company, and they do what they can for the betterment of both the company and the employees. While the Union does what it can for the Union and the people, it does so for the betterment of the Union as well. This is because the Unions get paid by the dues of the employees, the more they get paid, the more the Union can ask for. This creates a tug-o-war with the employees, I honestly don't envy those in Unions, that said, I have never been a part of one, so I do not know first hand. Does anyone have first-hand experience?

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HR Management: Discuss new legislation as it relates to hr
Reference No:- TGS02036045

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