Discuss - new leadership for todays health care professional

Assignment task:

At the end of Chapter 8, book New Leadership for Today's Health Care Professionals by Louis G. Rubino, Salvador J. Esparza and Yolanda S. Reid Chassiakos. Please read the Case Study: A Leadership Approach to Quality and Patient Safety.  Answer the case study questions on page 172.

1. Identify the stakeholders and drivers discussed in this case study who are involved with the improvement in quality and safety. Are there others who should be mentioned?

2. Which of the key strategies adopted by the St. Francis Quality and Patient Safety Committee do you think are the most effective for ongoing quality improvement?

3. What additional rounds can you suggest for the QPS team besides the ones already mentioned? Want Professional Help?

4. What other measures can be used to assess the quality and patient safety at St. Francis Medical Center?

Please have a introduction, body and conclusion also, provide any other sources used, thank you.

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Other Subject: Discuss - new leadership for todays health care professional
Reference No:- TGS03446645

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