
Discuss negative manifestations of self-doubt

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Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee James called for Bold Leadership. But what does bold leadership mean, and what does it look like? Boldness takes courage and courage is product of vulnerability. To get to a place of bold leadership, first leaders must understand the many complex emotions that are a part of leadership (uncertainty, risk and emotional exposure) and how to manage or make use of them in a way that's healthy and productive so they can be a powerful source of influence and motivation rather than seeking to repress or ignore them or letting them spiral out of control.

These are my notes/thoughts so far, and would appreciate an opportunity to discuss/determine how to best capture these themes. I only provide this to give you a general idea of what I'm thinking. I'm not tied to any of this, and am open to feedback.

- Leading is about people - if done right it is an emotional experience, a leaders own emotions, beliefs and biases play a large role in who they are as a leader and their effectiveness.

- Leadership roles constantly generate feelings of vulnerability, but leaders are typically conditioned to hide their vulnerabilities at all costs. Leaders need to cultivate the ability to be vulnerable without feeling compelled to close themselves down in an attempt to safeguard or project the image he or she has been taught is that of a successful leader. Leaders have to develop a sense of comfort with discomfort, and understand the emotions behind it in order to r

- The ability to do this is of critical importance to a leader, for leaders not only not only manage their own emotions, but also need to be aware of the significant impact his or her emotions have on everyone around them (positive or negative). Science has shown that emotions are literally contagious--we sense them in others, pick them up and pass them on--and people are even more sensitive to the emotions of those in leadership positions or if viewed as having a high status.

Therefore understanding emotions, and having the skill set to leverage this dynamic effectively provides a leader tremendous advantage.
Leaders need to have a better understanding of the emotions that are inherent to leadership, and how to manage or make use of them in a way that's healthy and productive so they can be a powerful source of influence and motivation rather than seeking to repress or ignore them or letting them spiral out of control.

- Leadership is an inside-outside game. Leaders have to look in to see out. How we think about things impacts what we do. In today's frenetic world, we're often so busy doing things that we don't notice our thinking-our Inner Operating System, which then takes on a life of its own and it is often hidden from our view. We are caught in our own habitual patterns, without noticing, at high cost since the inner life impacts personal effectiveness, creativity, innovation, and performance.
USAF Secretary James called for bold leadership in face of service-wide uncertainty. Merriam- Webster dictionary defines bold as: not afraid of danger or difficult situations. Dictionary.com defines bold as: not hesitating or fearful in the face of actual or possible danger or rebuff; courageous and daring; not hesitating to break the rules of propriety; forward; impudent; necessitating courage and daring; challenging:

a. What is bold leadership: Define bold, what is opposite, why can we not get there without talking about emotion.

6. How emotions limit and support

a. Define emotion

b. Neuroscience of emotion and how it subconsciously drives behavior -

c. Ladder of Inference and how it's subconscious

d. Biases and blind spots

 There are many emotions that could and should be addressed, but for the sake of this paper I've chosen uncertainty, risk and emotional exposure

a. Uncertainty

i. Quote: "I know this because I do All-Calls everywhere I go, and I know that the biggest issue on the minds of our Airmen is uncertainty.

This is uncertainty about their careers, about the downsizing, about budgets, and uncertainty about the world environment." SECAF James

ii. Fear/Safety -- how it manifests in leadership behavior and how understanding and coutering it will lead to an vironment of safety

iii. Micromanagement - Empowerment (Discover/Exploration) -- Fear leads to desire for control which leads to micromanagement, rather we want an enviornement of empowerment, but how does a leader accept letting go of control to get there.

b. Risk

i. Quote:

ii. Acceptance of possible failure as a necessity for Creativity/Innovation

iii. Self-Doubt -- (I have a source that discusses negative manifestations of self-doubt that I'd like included)

c. Emotional Exposure

i. Quote:

ii. Transparency as a necessity for Trust

iii. Sympathy - Empathy (alienation/connection)

1. Why is empathy important? First, empathy breeds courage. In a recent study of nearly 900 youth, ages 11-13, Nicola Abbott and Lindsey

Cameron's, psychology researchers at University of Kent, found that participants with higher levels of empathy were more likely to engage in "assertive bystander behavior." In other words, they were willing to stand up to a bully on behalf of someone outside their peer group. This kind of courage can be life changing for a victim of bullying and prevent the damaging effects of social isolation and exclusion that often lead to anxiety and depression.

iv. Stagnation -- Growth (Feedback/Difficult Conversations)

XV. What needs to be done:

a. Normalize language - need to discuss emotions to help people understand they're not alone, belong and healthy process

II. Teach self-awareness/self reflection

i. Introspection/Mindfulness Training - at earliest levels

ii. Journaling

iii. Meditation ... how it helps introspection, emotional awareness ... and

360s and Feedback - to understand how one is perceived and emotional skills that need to be addressed.

Leader Mentor/coaching training

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HR Management: Discuss negative manifestations of self-doubt
Reference No:- TGS01827425

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