A. Define learning standards.
B. How do standards differ for children in kindergarten and younger compared to older children?
C. What are the pros and cons of standards as discussed in your reading?
D. According to your reading, describe 4 things needed in order to make play more purposeful.
E. Discuss the naturalistic and intentional approach to preschool standards. Be sure to give at least 2 examples for each.
F. Describe the indicators of effective assessment of young children as discussed in the article from NAEYC
G. Review the Lesson Plan Explanation format that we will be using going forward. Are there any questions that come to your mind after seeing the format? 2022_ECE 234_Lesson Plan Explanation.docx 2022_ECE 234_Lesson Plan Explanation.docx - Alternative Formats
H. Identify 4 lessons that you would do with preschool age children. They can be from any subject area. Name the lesson, Post a picture of the lesson and briefly describe it in words
I. For each lesson, type out the subject area and appropriate guideline for that specific lesson.
J. For each lesson, based on the guideline, write one objective per guideline. Be use to use action verbs from Bloom's Taxonomy. "DO NOT USE the word "Understand"
K. For each lesson state how you will differentiate the instruction. (Make it easier and harder)
L. For each lesson, create a chart to assess if the child has met the objectives that you set.
M. Suggestion for set-up would be to do one lesson at a time and answer each question, then repeat for the remaining lessons.