Discuss monopolistic competitive market structure

Assignment task: There are four market structures - perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and monopoly.

Visit a retailer that you feel has the characteristics that are most close to the monopolistic competitive market structure. Due to self-isolation from the virus

Provide the name and location of the retailer (You can use online retailers. If you do, provide the website).

Describe its characteristics and how they differ from a perfect competition market structure.

Visit a retailer or business that you feel has the characteristics that are most close to an oligopoly market structure. Due to self-isolation from the virus

Provide the name and location of the retailer or business (If you use online organizations, provide the website).

Describe its characteristics and how these differ from the characteristics of a monopoly.

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Microeconomics: Discuss monopolistic competitive market structure
Reference No:- TGS03286988

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