Questions for Discussion (QFD)
Post one (1) original response to ALL of MY QUESTIONS below and at least one (1) reply to a classmate's post in this discussion forum by the Syllabus deadline for this assignment. At least 2 posts (as defined above) are required to receive credit for this discussion.
DO NOT START A NEW THREAD-ALWAYS REPLY ONLY TO ME OR A CLASSMATE'S POST! Set your browser to "Show All", "Threaded" to help in figuring out what is and is not ‘starting a new thread.'
Formulate and post your original response BEFORE reading anyone else's post(s). After posting your original response, read all other posts and reply to one or more of them. Remember that this is a public forum-YOU CANNOT RETRACT (take back) a Discussion Post.
Key Points Covered in the Instructions above: A. two (2) posts are required; B. Number your answers; and C. double space between answers.
Questions for Discussion (QFD)
1. Discuss Mintzberg's ten different roles. Group them as being primarily concerned with interpersonal relationships, the transfer of information, and decision making.
2. Our textbook tells us that it is difficult to sometime distinguish managers from employees. When we go into McDonald's for a sandwich, are we observing workers or managers? How have the roles of managers and workers been blurred?
3. For our Media Story question in Lesson 1, I want you to describe your background, academic interest, work experience etc. to the rest of us in our class. For a framework for this description, go to Exhibit 1-5 (A Basic OB Model) or Exhibit 1-6 (The Plan for our Book) and re-read what our text means by Individual level, group level, and organization system level variables. Develop your description by using Individual, Group and Organization System levels as developed with Chapter 1. For example, you might select biographical characteristics (from the Individual level) to describe yourself; if so, you would share with us information that is commonly requested on a job application form. From the Group level, you might describe the types of work teams/groups you have experienced, etc.