Discuss methods for identifying perspective clientsexplain

Prospecting Strategy Assignemnt

Create a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation in which you develop a Sales Prospecting Strategy. In this presentation you will include the following:

• Discuss methods for identifying perspective clients.
• Explain when and where to start prospecting.
• Examine how to use competitive analysis.
• Discuss the role of competitive analysis in prospecting and the sales process.
• Analyze the uses of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems.
• Identify potential CRM systems.
• Recommend a CRM system and include the rationale for the recommendation.

Format your presentation consistent within APA guidelines.

Learning Team Assignment: Prospecting Strategy Presentation

Purpose of Assignment

The Learning Team assignment tasks teams to develop a plan for prospecting sales. This is a vital part of sales and the team has the opportunity to explore different Customer Relationship Management systems and how these can work within an organization.

Attachment:- Pospecting_Strategy.rar

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Strategic Management: Discuss methods for identifying perspective clientsexplain
Reference No:- TGS02196408

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