
Discuss mertons theory of deviance pp 78-88 in adler amp

Upon successful completion of this activity, students will be able to:

Analyze social phenomena utilizing theoretical frameworks

Use major theoretical perspectives to understand deviant behavior and social reactions to and consequences of deviant behavior

Acquire a basic understanding of how to apply theories of deviance to their own personal and professional experiences

The Midterm Exam consists of 5 essay questions taken from Modules 1-4. Each essay should be 250-500 words. The Midterm Examination will be completed during Module 4 and is worth 15% of your overall course grade.

The Midterm Examination will be available for you to take beginning at 12:00 AM EST on the Monday morning of Module 4 and will close promptly the following Sunday evening at 11:55 PM EST. It is suggested that you write or print out the essay questions for handy reference as you develop your responses. Be sure to submit your essay exam in one WORD document using APA style and place it in the appropriate assignment dropbox.

Drawing on Module 1, define the analytical term "deviant behavior." Make sure to include a discussion of the difference between deviant behavior and criminal behavior and draw on your textbook, as well as the YouTube video from Module 1.

Define and discuss Howard Becker's "Labeling Theory." Include a discussion of rule-breaking behavior and "becoming deviant." For this question, draw on your field activity from Module 2, as well as Chapter 3 in Adler and Adler (pp 40-45).

Discuss Merton's theory of deviance (pp 78-88 in Adler & Adler): How can this theory be seen as a pull between opposing forces in the social structure, rather than the decisions of individuals?

Discuss the three primary data sources for studying deviant behavior (Module 3) and explain the strengths and weaknesses of each of these data sources, as well as their corresponding research methods.

Find two (2) academic research articles about deviant behavior. Summarize these articles and discuss the research methods that the author used to answer his/her research questions.

Note: These MUST be different articles than the article you used for Project 2.

Discuss the concept of "Moral Entrepreneurs" and use a real-life example to explain this theory, including a discussion of moral campaigning, rule-makers and rule enforcers. Also, discuss why some moral campaigns "fail to launch."

Discuss "Differential Social Power." Discuss how socially constructed categories have real-life implications and consequences in people's lives.

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Management Theories: Discuss mertons theory of deviance pp 78-88 in adler amp
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