
Discuss masons use of setting in shiloh how does it relate

Write an 800-word essay about either "A Rose for Emily," "Araby," or "Shiloh." Please use one of the following prompts:

• Discuss Faulkner's use of point of view in "A Rose for Emily." What does he achieve by his choice of point of view?

• Discuss Faulkner's plot in "A Rose of Emily." By presenting the events the town witnesses out of sequential order, what does Faulkner achieve?

• Discuss Joyce's use of setting in "Araby." Does it mirror or reflect internal states of the narrator? What does Joyce achieve by his use of setting?

• Discuss Mason's use of setting in "Shiloh." How does it relate to the characters of Leroy and Norma Jean? Does she ever use locations symbolically?

Have a thesis which you support by argumentation and by citing your text. (Use MLA citation style; see the MLA section of The Little, Brown Handbook .) Please review the handouts on developing thesis statements and paragraphs that I have posted to the class website.

Write in third person using a tone and degree of formality appropriate for a formal English essay.

Both the rough and final drafts of your essay should be typed, double spaced. Use a 12 pt. font (Garamond or Times Roman are good choices). On the first page of your essay, include in the upper left-hand corner this information:

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Dissertation: Discuss masons use of setting in shiloh how does it relate
Reference No:- TGS01463346

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