Discuss MARXISM as a theoretical perspective for studying material culture.
Formatting and Sources:
Make sure to use one formatting style when you reference sources (e.g. MLA, Chicago, etc.). It is important that you reference properly. Internet sources, like Wikipedia and public websites, are not valid sources of information for this assignment. You must employ published materials found in journals, books, etc. Between 1 and 3 different sources (other than those that were assigned readings for class) should be sufficient for completing this assignment. Be sure to append this list of sources/bibliography to your assignment.
Assignment Guidelines
Step #1:
Choose ONE of the theoretical perspectives for studying material culture we have encountered in the section of the course called “Theoretical Perspectives” (e.g. Structuralism, Marxism, Phenomenology, Post-Structuralism, etc.). Write a one- paragraph outline describing the major principles of the theoretical perspective you have chosen.
You should answer some of the following questions: What is the major framework for research? What are the fundamental beliefs? Who are some of the major contributors to the field? What are the major questions they seek to answer? How can the theoretical perspective be applied specifically to material culture?
Step #2:
Choose ONE specific example of material culture (e.g. an object [iphone 6]*, building, space, landscape, etc.) that you yourself find interesting and that has not been encountered in our readings and lectures. Provide the “tombstone” information for the example of material culture you have chosen (e.g. name, title, date, location, material, technique, etc.). Please include a full-page photo/image of your example for reference. If you are uncertain about the example you have chosen, please do not hesitate to ask me.
Step #3:
The majority of your written assignment should be given over to analyzing and interpreting the example of material culture you have chosen according to the principles of the theoretical perspective you selected. In other words, use your selected theoretical perspective as a model for thinking about your example of material culture.
You should consider some of the following questions for your analysis: How might a theorist of this philosophy interpret the example? What types of questions would such a theorist be attempting to answer (e.g. meaning, object-subject relations, consumption practices, agency, exploitation, etc.)? What information could the example of material culture provide for the theorist? Why is this the case? What might be some of the advantages of using this theoretical perspective to study the example? Are there any disadvantages to using it to study the example or something that cannot be answered by employing this theoretical perspective?