
Discuss major work flow activities for your company

IT Strategic Alignment Model:

This research paper is an addition to the last IT Strategic Alignment Model  paper that was written.  Please use the references from the EPIC final project attached (FinalProject_KS_06.29.13.doc). This Strategic Alignment Model is based off of the compnay of EPIC (electronic medical records). The sections have to be at least 1 page long and consist of the EPIC company, simular to the last paper.

Read the article discussing Strategic Alignment Maturity, by Jerry Luftman, in the attached link:

https://www.cioindex.com/nm/articlefiles/2779-IT Alignment Maturity Model.pdf

For your course project, document a Strategic Alignment Model for your organization as outlined in the article.  In addition to the Snapshot you will create with this model, you will analyze where your firm is with respect to alignment and where it should be, and you will make recommendations on how your firm can close the gap in order to improve the value of the IT resource.

Processes: Discuss major Work Flow activities for your company.

Skills: Discuss the firm’s HR considerations including hiring/firing, motivation, training and corporate culture.

Technology Scope: Describe the important information applications and technologies

Systemic Competencies: Describe the capabilities that distinguish the IT services

IT Governance: Explain the IT Governance model for you organization.

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Business Management: Discuss major work flow activities for your company
Reference No:- TGS01431305

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