
Discuss - major structural parts of eye include cornea

Assignment task:

Peer Responses:

? Respond in a respectful manner to another student's post. Agree or disagree with some of the student's statements and add some novel idea or expand on one of the student's ideas.

? Each response post should include a minimum of 250 words of actual text (i.e., the 250 word minimum does not include your reference)

? At least 1 outside, empirical/peer-reviewed reference should be integrated in your response post (your textbook and the lecture do not count as an outside source). Failure to include an outside source will result in a grade of 0.

? Correct APA formatting of citations/references is required and part of your grade

Peer: Ciera

The major structural parts of the eye include the cornea, the iris, the pupil, the lens, and the retina. The cornea is like an outer lens that refracts light and helps the eye focus on objects. The iris is a muscle in the eye that will expand and contract to control pupil sizes. The pupil is a hole in the center of the eye that allows light into the retina. The iris changes the pupil's size in different light settings to control the amount of light that enters the eye. The lens is an inner part of the eye that helps light refract onto the retina. The retina is located at the back of the eye. The retina is light sensitive and is responsible for creating images of our visual world. Another part of the retina's job is to generate action potentials that carry information to the brain that allow us to see visual images (Garrett & Hough, 2021).

In dark conditions, the iris will expand the pupil to allow more light to enter to the retina to promote visual reception. In the retina, light meets two types of photoreceptors: rods and cones.  Cones process colors and operate best in highly lighted conditions. Rods cannot process color but operate best in conditions with lower levels of light. The rods are more concentrated in the peripheral area of the retina, and cones more concentrated in the center. Since the best low-light features of the retina, the rods, are located in the peripheral, looking slightly away from objects directly in from of you when in darkness can help the peripheral perceive the darkened object better (Metsing & Hough, 2021)


Garrett, B., & Hough, G. (2021). Brain & Behavior: An Introduction to Behavioral Neuroscience. SAGE Publications.

Metsing, T. I., & Carlson, A. (2023). The refractive behaviour of the human eye under different ambient lighting conditions. African Vision & Eye Health, 82(1), 1-7.

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