
Discuss main electoral rules for congressional offices

Assignment task: If you could freely change the electoral rules for the U.S. Congress (House and Senate), what changes would you adopt (or would you keep things as they are)? Why?

1. A clear summary of the nature of the United States' main electoral rules for Congressional offices (House and Senate)

2. For #2, make sure that you state directly what your position is. It can be a mixed position, arguing that you see some advantages and some downsides in our current electoral rules and also in alternative arrangements, but you do need to come around to a direct answer about whether or not you would change the current rules (and how).

You must at least compare the costs or benefits of our current single-member plurality (SMP, or "first-past-the-post") to one other kind of system...proportional representation (PR), an "alternative vote" or single-transferable vote system, or a system that mixes some of these logics

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Reference No:- TGS03271959

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