Assignment task: Referencing following articles, a literature review on media usage and its influence on young people, mention what types of methods were used for the research and consider if it is descriptive or explanatory and what is the reason for it; following below structure and questions.
1. H.C. Woods, H. Scott / Journal of Adolescence 51 (2016) 41e49. Sleepyteens: Social media use in adolescence is associated with poor sleep quality, anxiety, depression and low self-esteem
2. Stiglic N, Viner RM. Effects of screen time on the health and well-being of children and adolescents: a systematic review of reviews. BMJ Open 2019;9:e023191. doi:10.1136/ bmjopen-2018-023191
3. Sreedevi Damodar, Cidney Lokemoen , Vikram Gurusamy , Manpreet Takhi , Daniel Bishev , Allison Parrill, Melissa Deviney, Ulziibat Person, Ijendu Korie and Romain Branch; Adolescent Psychiatry, 2022, 12, 11-22 . Trending: A Systematic Review of Social Media Use's Influence on Adolescent Anxiety and Depression
- What are the origins and definitions of this topic?
- How does this relate to my focus within the topic?
Questions that might inform section headings
What are the major issues and debates?
- What are the main questions and ideas that have been researched to date?
- What are the key theoretical and conceptual ideas?
- How has the literature increased knowledge and understanding of the topic?
- What are the main sources that support my line of argument?
- What are the main sources that question my line of argument?
- Are there any areas that have not been explored previously in the literature?
- What are the key points and what proposed research question(s) has this led me to?