
Discuss language in school is a waste of taxpayers money


Please help Choose one of the following statements. List reasons why you support or disagree with the statement. Include current research and cite a minimum of two appropriate references.

1. All Americans should be the same.

2. Schools should require students to learn to speak English before they receive instruction in any other school subject.

3. Students who speak one language at home and learn English at school will grow up confused.

4. Using a students' own language in school is a waste of taxpayers' money because he or she will have to use English in the world of work, anyway.

5. If people wish to hold on to their language and culture, they should not come to America.

6. Most people who come to America learned English quickly without any special arrangement. That's how it should be.

7. Providing bilingual education sends a message that groups may live in the United States without learning English.

8. When English is spreading all over the world, Spanish should not be allowed to take over America.

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Other Subject: Discuss language in school is a waste of taxpayers money
Reference No:- TGS01927399

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