Discuss-kinds of social problems and controversial issues


You have discuss about many different kinds of social problems and controversial issues in societies around the world and in the United States, such as poverty, social inequality, race and cultural discrimination, gender stratification, environmental damage, population growth, and urbanization.

• Resources: Chapters in Society: The Basics; Appendix A; and the Online Library

• Write a 1,750- to 2,450-word paper examining the impact of a current social problem on a particular social group. You may choose a social problem and social group from the Suggested Social Problems and Social Groups List in Appendix A, or you can research a social problem and social group that is not in the list.

• Refer to Appendix A for specific guidelines on how you can work on your final project throughout the course.

• Format the paper according to APA style. Cite 3 to 5 sources; at least two should come from the Online Library. You can also refer to the Recommended Web Sites list in the Electronic Resources section at the beginning of this syllabus for additional sources.

Note: Sources other than those from the Online Library or the Recommended Web Sites list need to be approved by the instructor.

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Reference No:- TGS02011405

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