Two pages discussion and two response letter
Discussion Title: Creating Greener Products
Share another strategy for sustainable design we have not touched on. In your responses to colleagues, give a specific example of how one of the design strategies posted by a classmate is supported by, or supports, ecological economics and/or systems thinking
Share another strategy for sustainable design we have not touched on. In your responses to colleagues, give a specific example of how one of the design strategies posted by a classmate is supported by, or supports, ecological economics and/or systems thinking.
Here we go!
Looking back to Module 3 we reviewed the environmental regulations which surround the designing and production of products. In modules 2 and 3 we addressed the importance of leadership initiative as well as compliance with environmental regulations.
We are now moving into Module 4! Module 4 launches our review of green production. This module will explore specific green design and manufacturing frameworks. Our three objectives this week include: •Discuss key sustainability design frameworks •Evaluate the changing nature of green products •Identify potential opportunities and liabilities in "greening" a company's products
Assignment! You will review The article "Green Product Design". The article was written eight years ago, and while its key concepts are still correct, are all of its conclusions? Research one of its conclusions and share how it may have changed in the intervening years. Write a short analysis paper that summarizes your findings. (Check out the short paper rubric- aim for 2-3 pages of content in your words).
Team Project- Make sure to review the frameworks provided and work with your team to select an appropriate framework and suggest how your company can integrate the framework into their business. If the company has already integrated the framework, describe how they have done so and the results. Integrate the results of your work into Memo 2 of the project.
Check out this video to open the week:The Myth of "Environmental Sustainability" | Justin Mog | TEDxUofL. Retrieved from