
Discuss karl rahners view on how original sin affects human

Write a five to six page paper (12 point Times New Roman, double spaced, one inch margins) on one of the following topics by reflecting upon class texts. Please cite the relevant readings from our class in your paper. You do not need to cite anything other than the readings we have studied in class. If your paper has any additional sources (including online materials), you must always cite them to avoid plagiarism. Use footnotes or parenthetical citation to indicate your sources. No cover page or bibliography is required. Choose one of the following topics for your paper:

1. Discuss St. Athanasius' understanding of God's renewal of creation through the incarnation of the Word.

a. Source: Athanasius, On the Incarnation, Ch. 1-2.

2. Discuss the three persons of the Trinity and their relationships to each other, particularly as taught by the 11th Council of Toledo.

a. Source: Statement of Faith of the 11th Council of Toledo.

3. Describe how the Church's understanding of Christ's humanity and divinity developed during the councils of Nicea (325), Constantinople (381), Ephesus (431), and Chalcedon (451).

a. Source: Ocáriz, Seco, and Riestra, The Mystery of Jesus Christ, 52-68, 90-99, 104-111.

4. Discuss Karl Rahner's view on how original sin affects human freedom in relation to sin and grace. Also, how does he think Christ frees humanity from original sin?

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Term Paper: Discuss karl rahners view on how original sin affects human
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