
Discuss john snows contribution to public health discuss

The Papers should be between 1,000 and 1,300 words. Your paper should be derived from either peer-reviewed journals or publications of high journalistic integrity . Papers are not book reports, and not your personal opinion forum.The paper should include the following format and should be a critical analysis of the topic. For example: it should have:

1. a short (2-3 sentences) abstract;

2. 1 paragraph to introduce the issue,

3. 2 (or more) paragraphs to identify and discuss the issue and

4. a closing 1 to 2 paragraphs to provide a brief summary. ONLY HERE in the summary paragraph may you include your supported opinion.

5. References cited

There is no specific number of required references. The writer should use what ever is necessary to adequately discuss the topic. The paper should have 4 to 5 or more references.

Topics for term paper

Choose one topic from the following:

1. Discuss the legal and ethical issues associated with the use of quarantine to control communicable disease. (such as the typhoid Mary case, pandemic flue, ebola etc.).. Include when it might be justified and when it is not and who decides.

2. Discuss John Snow's contribution to public health.

3. Discuss Garret Hardin's concept of "The Tragedy of the Commons" to environmental pollution issues.

4. Discuss Kenneth Boulding's concept of "Spaceship Earth" in relations to renewable and nonrenewable resource issues.

5. Should we consider Nuclear Power as a response to climate change? You can begin your research by reviewing "Climate Change and Nuclear Power 2012"- International Atomic Energy Commission

6. If you have a particular interest in a topic directly related to environmental health, you may contact me to discuss the possibility of writing on your own topic. You must get approval for your topic.

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Dissertation: Discuss john snows contribution to public health discuss
Reference No:- TGS02447936

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