With decreasing financial and logistical support, terrorist groups have established their own in-house criminal enterprises to obtain funds for their operations. The linkages between terrorist networks and criminal groups, known as the crime-terror nexus, have been a growing global concern for a number of decades. Using relevant examples from the works of Cronin, "How al-Qaida Ends: The Decline and Demise of Terrorist Groups"; and "How Terrorism Ends: Understanding the Decline and Demise of Terrorist Campaigns"; Della Porta Donatella's "Left-Wing Terrorism in Italy"; and David C. Rapoport, "The Four Waves of Modern Terrorism", assess the inter-connectedness of terrorist networks and Transnational Organised Crime (TOC) groups and their overall impact on global security.
Apart from providing the answers on the issue of inter-connectedness of terrorist networks, appreciate it if you are able to cite examples of each assessment for easy understanding of all the different situations and why?