
Discuss interview a classmate-colleague-family member


Using the questions you developed for the discussion, interview a classmate, colleague, family member, or friend.

Code the results, and in at least one (1) paragraph reflect on what you learned about yourself while doing the interview.

[Note: The process of coding is described of your textbook.]

Question one

Do you think the college's administration is doing enough in supporting students with autism? Are there structures that aim at upholding the welfare of autistic students?

Question Two:

Prior to joining college, are there any preparations that were undertaken to help you adapt to college life? If there were, would you consider them effective?

Question Three:

What do you do differently to ensure success in your educational life here in college? What can the college do to support you in your personal educational goals?


Creswell, J. (2017). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications, Inc.

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Business Law and Ethics: Discuss interview a classmate-colleague-family member
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