
Discuss integrity in practice: ethic and legal consideration

Assignment task: Integrity In Practice: Ethic And Legal Considerations

Summative Assessment: Policy and Regulation in Practice

In this assessment, you select a legal issue in health care to determine relevant legal issues and regulations as well as actions that could be taken to improve the outcome.

The health care industry is heavily regulated by multiple sources. It is important for nurses to understand health care policy and regulatory environments for their local area to make sure they are following industry standards as well as not performing tasks nurses are not allowed to do locally.

Research common legal issues in health care that nurses frequently face or choose one of the legal case studies from the Nurses Service Organization.

Select a legal case study of interest or area in which you have experience.

Analyze the legal case study and ensure you include the following:

o Summarize the legal issues present in the case.

o Explain how these legal issues impact nursing practice.

o Summarize regulations, laws, and industry standards present in the case.

o Explain how the regulations, laws, and standards impact the nursing practice.

o Brainstorm risk mitigation techniques that the hospital could have employed to prevent the situation and increase compliance with the regulations, laws, or standards relevant to the situation.

o Determine actions the nurse could have taken to improve the outcome and increase compliance with the regulations, laws, or standards relevant to the situation.

Cite at least 3 evidence-based, peer-reviewed sources published within the last 5 years to support your positions.

Format your assignment in 875-word paper

Include an APA-formatted reference list.

NOTES please read

In looking ahead to week 2, I would like to share some suggestions for your assessment assignment. It asks you to select a legal case study of interest or an area where you have experience. Then, you will analyze the legal case study and include the components listed in the content section of the assignment. These components should be used as level one headings in your paper to provide organization and logical flow, as per APA guidelines. As some of you may be new to APA format, I have broken this down below in a way that will hopefully make sense.

Level headings help to organize the content of your paper. To oversimplify, let's say I asked you to write a paper about dogs, cats, and frogs. In your introduction, you would say that you are going to talk about dogs, cats, and frogs. No level heading is needed for the introduction because you are placing the title of your paper at the top of the first page. You would then use the level heading Dogs for the first section of your paper, then use the heading Cats, then Frogs. You would then use the heading Conclusion and include a final paragraph that reviews the fact that you have discussed dogs, cats and frogs. So, when the instructions in the assignment ask you to include discussion on A, B or C, these would be your level one headings. If further breakdown is needed for each of these topics, you could use a level two heading, which is left justified and bolded. Hopefully this helps to clarify what level headings do and how to use them in academic writing. If you opt to do a PowerPoint presentation instead, the same applies as major bullet points for your slides. Remember that only annotated presentations are acceptable, so your text (and citations as appropriate) should be in the notes section and your slides should be minimal text with graphics or other engaging material.

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Other Subject: Discuss integrity in practice: ethic and legal consideration
Reference No:- TGS03434109

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