Discuss insight on the history of the history of queen sugar

Assignment task:

While the story of slavery's westward expansion throughout the (Lower) South is dominated by the history of the Cotton Kingdom, before "King Cotton" there was "Queen Sugar."  Indeed, "Queen Sugar" took root and blossomed in the tropical, Caribbean-like climate of the southern Louisiana Territory, later the state of Louisiana. 

Identify AND discuss TWO (2) insights on the history of the history of "Queen Sugar" in Louisiana in Khalil Gibran Muhammad's "The Sugar that Saturates the American Diet has a Barbaric History as the 'White Gold' that Fueled Slavery."

Support your responses with specific information from the reading - including quotations - in order to receive the FULL possible points.  Raising questions about and discussing specific information that you do not understand also counts towards the possible points.

Include quotations, citations from text, and response must be 300 words.


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Reference No:- TGS03385669

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