Assignment task:
Q1 (jameire)
The increasing volatility in the global economy has caused investors to seek out safer investments alternatives. Risk is inevitable in all investments. A capital budget is used to help investors plan their investments in long-term assets. Discuss how risk impacts a capital budget. How can risks be mitigated in order to attract capital investors to a sports project?
Q2 (breezy)
Complete both parts:
1. Many composers kept diaries during their lives. Choose a composer from the twentieth (or twenty-first) century and an important event from that composer's life. Consider how this event relates to the music the composer wrote. Write a diary entry related to that event in 1st person voice, as if the composer wrote it (Your choice should not be in the Jazz, blues, pop, rock, rap, or any popular music genres. Not sure? Search < 20th century composers >.). Provide a link to a sound file or YouTube video of the composer's music, to help classmates become more familiar with this individual's work. In the subject line for your post, include the composer's name. List any websites or other sources you used to write your post at the bottom of the post.
2. What is your personal reaction/response to this composer and/or the music we have studied so far in class? How does learning about music apply to your life and/or past experiences? Need Assignment Help?
Q3 (cooper)
According to this website, one of Walmart's goals is "Be packaging neutral globally by 2025". What do you think it means to become packaging neutral? According to their website, what challenges are they facing in becoming packaging neutral?
Watch this video by clicking here.
Secret Life of Walmart's Deli Pizza Box. Does this box meet your definition of packaging neutral?
Q4 (cooper)
The global supply chain has been discussed many times up to this point. And along every point of a supply chain we have seen many kinds of risks that impede the flow of goods along the various routes of these many supply chains for companies such as Walmart and Dell that we begin this journey. When you see the new on TV or newspapers or magazines or the Internet, you already see these risks play out often on a daily basis due to events like hurricanes or fires or pandemics raging across a country.
For this week, give a hypothetical example of each of the six types of risk to a global supply chain, as described in this chapter. While this is being asked to be hypothetical, it can be a real example. Given what is happening in the world today, you may pull a real example from the news headlines and talk about these six risks. The choice is yours to make.
Q5 (felton)
At what age do you think it is most appropriate to begin having conversations about sexuality and sexual development with children? Support your position with facts. You can share your personal opinion; however, it is vital that you share researched factual information to coincide with your opinion. Note: This is not about sex education; it is simply about having a conversation as a parent/guardian.
Q6 (felton)
If you were educating expecting parents on pregnancy, labor and delivery, as well as the first year of life with their new baby, what would you tell them? Design your own "What to expect" based on what you learned this week as well as your own experience. Be sure to include facts about prenatal development, environmental influences, birth complications, and the developmental milestones of the first year of life. What can parents do to ensure healthy development during the first year of life?
Q7 (tasha)
Discuss the various search patterns used in a crime scene investigation and how it is determined which method to use.
Q8 (tasha)
Discuss inductive versus deductivereasoning (as reviewed in Lesson 2) and how you would apply the concepts of each (inductive and deductivereasoning) to the following unsolved crime scene:
Police Investigation
A man was found murdered, and his wife severely beaten early on a Sunday morning in April 2001. Their trailer park was a community of young adults struggling to get by. The couple were newlyweds, caucasian, in their early twenties, expecting their first child. The murder scene looked like a massacre. The police found the female victim barely conscious, leaning against the wall by the front door where she had struggled to get help but was weak from loss of blood. She had suffered blunt force trauma over her entire body. Her right little finger had been severed from her hand and was later found in a pool of blood. She had also been raped while her husband lay dying in the bed next to her, also suffering from blunt-force trauma to his torso and head.
The trailer had been ransacked, and various items, including video games, trading cards, and a gaming system, were stolen. They had no money or items of any significant value. Tool marks could be found on the walls, the interior of the front door, the wooden floor of the bedroom where the attack occurred, and on the blades of the ceiling fan still spinning in the bedroom. Blood could be found everywhere in medium velocity spatter, drippings, pooling, trails, and cast-off. Bloody shoe prints lead out the door and disappear in the dirt outside the back of the trailer.
During the police investigation, a tire iron was found under a trailer near the back of the trailer park. While conducting a neighborhood canvas, detectives learned from residents that a large black male, estimated to be in his thirties, was seen wandering around the trailer park just before the time of the murders. None of the residents recognized him as living in the trailer park or as a guest of anyone who lived there. Detectives also learned that around the time of the murder, three teenage males were observed peeking in one of the trailer's windows.
Q9 (quiita)
1. Discuss the important role of accountability in any criminal justice organization. What role does management/supervision play in limiting and reducing the amount of ethical violations by their organization?
2. How might the organizational culture of criminal justice organization impede management goals to reduce misconduct?
Q10 (quay)
In the Northouse text, chapter three, Study Figure 3.2 "Three Components of the Skills Model".
Based on the skills perspective, answer the three questions provided at the end of your selected case study. You should have three separate paragraphs. Repeat the question before your answers so your classmates can see the question.
Case: A Strained Research Team
Dr. Adam Wood is the principal investigator on a 3-year, $1 million federally funded research grant to study healtheducation programs for older populations, called the Elder Care Project. Unlike previous projects, in which Dr.Wood worked alone or with one or two other investigators, on this project Dr. Wood has 11 colleagues. His projectteam is made up of two co-investigators (with PhDs), four intervention staff (with MAs), and five general staffmembers (with BAs). One year into the project, it has become apparent to Dr. Wood and the team that the project isunderbudgeted and has too few resources. Team members are spending 20%-30% more time on the project than hasbeen budgeted to pay them.
Regardless of the resource strain, all team members are committed to the project; theybelieve in its goals and the importance of its outcomes. Dr. Wood is known throughout the country as the foremost scholar in this area of health education research. He is often asked to serve on national review and advisory boards. His publication record is second to none. In addition, his colleagues in the university know Dr. Wood as a very competent researcher. People come to Dr. Wood for advice on research design and methodology questions. They also come to him for questions about theoretical formulations. He has a reputation as someone who can see the big picture on research projects.
Despite his research competence, there are problems on Dr. Wood's research team. Dr. Wood worries there is a great deal of work to be done but that the members of the team are not devoting sufficient time to the Elder CareProject. He is frustrated because many of the day-to-day research tasks of the project are falling into his lap. He enters a research meeting, throws his notebook down on the table, and says, "I wish I'd never taken this project on. It's taking way too much of my time. The rest of you aren't pulling your fair share." Team members feel exasperated at Dr. Wood's comments. Although they respect his competence, they find his leadership style frustrating. His negative comments at staff meetings are having a demoralizing effect on the research team. Despite their hard work and devotion to the project, Dr. Wood seldom compliments or praises their efforts. Team members believe that they have spent more time than anticipated on the project and have received less pay or credit than expected. The project is sucking away a lot of staff energy, yet Dr. Wood does not seem to understand the pressures confronting his staff.
The research staff is starting to feel burned out, but members realize they need to keep trying because they are under time constraints from the federal government to do the work promised. The team needs to develop a pamphlet for the participants in the Elder Care Project, but the pamphlet costs are significantly more than budgeted in the grant.
Dr. Wood has been very adept at finding out where they might find small pockets of money to help cover those costs. Although team members are pleased that he is able to obtain the money, they are sure he will use this as just another example of how he was the one doing most of the work on the project.
1. Based on the skills approach, how would you assess Dr. Wood's leadership and his relationship to the members of the Elder Care Project team? Will the project be successful?
2. Does Dr. Wood have the skills necessary to be an effective leader of this research team?
3. The skills model describes three important competencies for leaders: problem-solving skills, social judgment skills, and knowledge. If you were to coach Dr. Wood using this model, what competencies would you address with him? What changes would you suggest that he make in his leadership
Q11 (quay)
Which one of the theories discussed in this week's readings do you think is most useful in understanding and explaining personality development in contemporary society? Explain your position. Be sure to select a theory, briefly describe it and name the theorist, rather than a general concept. Link your chosen theory directly to aspects of personality development in contemporary society you are attempting to explain rather than only summarizing the theory. No points can be assigned if you do the latter.
Q12 (white)
For this week's discussion post, reflect on how data collection and market research affect both consumers and companies. Your insights on these processes will help illustrate the impact of data on modern marketing strategies. Write a discussion post to reflect on market research and data collection from a consumer's view and a marketer's view. How is AI changing market research? Share your thoughts with the class on these two items:
- Personal Impact: How do you feel about the data companies collect and use for marketing? Does this make you feel more connected to brands or does it feel intrusive? Share your thoughts and experiences.
- Market Research Insights: From a marketer's perspective, how valuable is data in conducting market research? Discuss how companies use this information to understand market trends and consumer behavior.
Q13 (white)
Assigned industry is Healthcare
Watch the video to learn more about cash flow analysis.
YouTube Video: Understanding Cash Flow
Cash flow is what keeps the company alive in an era of cashless transactions. Do a little research and identify a company from one of the industries listed below that experienced cash flow problems, how did they address the issue?