Assignment Task:
TOPIC: Increasing mental health awareness and services is the public health issue
Public health leaders and advocates must possess strong oral/verbal communication skills and be able to develop compelling presentations for multiple audiences. The purpose of this presentation is to give you the opportunity to summarize information from the written portion of your Advocacy Action Plan and present and defend the core ideas from your Advocacy Action Plan for an audience of public health decision-makers. The goal is to garner support for your Advocacy Action Plan. Need Assignment Help?
Roadmap (what will you cover in this presentation?)
Compelling introduction/question/quote that grabs the audience attention
What?: Introduce the public health issue and describe the issue that you are trying to change/impact
So what?: Explain why you care about this issue and why the audience should care about the issue
Now what?: Present your advocacy initiative/idea and key elements of the action plan
Provide the call(s) to action