
Discuss in detail any relevant concepts and include

Identify AND explain the significance of  the following terms and give an example:


Food Security

Rights of Nature

The Double Movement

Rio Earth Summit

World Social Forum

Indigenous Knowledge

The Diggers

Discuss in detail any relevant concepts and include relevant examples in your answer. The answer is worth a total of twenty-five points. these are long answer questions.

1. Barry identifies two competing conceptions of man and his relationship to the environment in pre-capitalist history. Identify them and discuss their significance. According to him, what relationship do they bear to the development of capitalist conceptions of the environment?

2. According to Weis, what is the industrial grain-livestock complex? What are some of its notable cultural and environmental impacts?

3. How have peasants responded to the pressures of global capitalism? Who are some of the main actors and what are their demands? How have they contributed to the alter-globalization' movement?

4. How has organized labor sought to engage in transnational struggles over the global governance of labor issues? In your answer, be sure to discuss each strategy.  

5. What are the main criticisms of globalization put forward by the alter-globalization movement?

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Business Management: Discuss in detail any relevant concepts and include
Reference No:- TGS01704152

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