
Discuss implementing mental health wellness programs

Problem 1: Given the current structure of chosen org., decide whether a redesign would help your organization compete more effectively, or reach its mission and values more successfully OR no change is desirable. My organization is United Sates Navy. Please apply the tenets learned, and the grounds and warrants' principles discussed in the introduction of the course (critical thinking) to defend your position. Think about reporting relationships and how departments need to work together to achieve results. Your org chart that you retrieved helps you to see the current structure.  Now, you must consider what the functions and vision are for the organization and if its structure should change to achieve results. Apply the tenets learned and the grounds and warrants' principles discussed in the introduction of the course (critical thinking) to defend your position.  must include the following: Describe the current structure of your chosen organization and identify if a redesign (organizational structure change) would be more effective to reach its mission and values more successfully. Analyze and compare the current structure with the potential redesigned structure and decide whether or not a redesign or changes would improve results. The analysis should Include information from reporting relationships, how departments function, what department interfaces need to be and what reporting relationships should be. Apply the tenets learned and the grounds and warrants' principles, that support critical thinking to defend your position.  Provide at least 5 scholarly references.

Problem 2: Discuss the healthcare in United States and the need for reform. Name at least 5 changes that needs to be done or reformed and how are you going to accomplish it. Use the SSSAP approach to discuss the arguments for healthcare reform and to invoke emotion in the audience. Based on the chosen problem, choose your platform to convince the people of your proposal or the need for action. Include why you chose to present this topic by a specific approach to reach your audience based on the lessons from the text as a guide. Include the time scale of focus of the initiative-what are the short term vs. the long term actions. In a persuasive, meaningful way describe what the key leadership competencies are to solve the problem and to gain substantial insight. Provide at least 5 scholarly references.

Problem 3: Discuss Implementing Mental Health Wellness Programs in the Workplace. Name at least 5 ways that needs to be done or reformed to Implement Mental Health Wellness Programs in the Workplace and how are you going to accomplish it. Use the SSSAP approach to discuss the arguments for healthcare reform and to invoke emotion in the audience. Based on the chosen problem, choose your platform to convince the people of your proposal or the need for action. Include why you chose to present this topic by a specific approach to reach your audience based on the lessons from the text as a guide. Include the time scale of focus of the initiative-what are the short term vs. the long term actions. In a persuasive, meaningful way describe what the key leadership competencies are to solve the problem and to gain substantial insight. Provide at least 5 scholarly references.

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Other Management: Discuss implementing mental health wellness programs
Reference No:- TGS03428140

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