
Discuss implementing a health promotion strategy

Assignment task 1: Explore the models for Community and Health Promotion mentioned below:

  • Ecological models
  • The health belief model
  • Stages of change model (trans-theoretical model)
  • Social cognitive Theory
  • Theory of reasoned action/planned behavior

After studying those models select one that you consider could be used as framework for a health promotion initiative of your interest to improve the indicators of your main health problem, selected in week 1. Why is this model suitable as health promotion framework for your health problem? Discuss your selection including the strengths and potential barriers to implement a health promotion strategy that you may wish to articulate in your community or group of interest.

Assignment task 2: Of the non-selected models to improve the indicators of the chosen health problem debate about one that you believe is not applicable to the potential goal of your health promotion initiative. Explain why you arrived to such conclusion, including potential barriers and challenges for its articulation.

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Other Subject: Discuss implementing a health promotion strategy
Reference No:- TGS03267973

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