Discuss impacts of diversity ethics and cultural competency

Assignment: Problem Identification and Background

Part One

In this first component, identify a problem in your organization or community. Then, describe the problem and create an introduction to the problem that provides information from the organizational, team, and individual perspectives. The identified problem must involve one of the following elements: diversity, ethics, and cultural competency. It is also important to identify the concepts of collaborative and communication techniques that have affected the development of relationships, partnerships, and alliances. Use can use this scenario for my community and do research on it for the area:

I live in Indianapolis, Indiana and there has been a huge Burmese and Indian (primarily Punjabi and Gujarati) population that has moved to Indianapolis. Many people that have lived here for most of their lives feel that many of the jobs are being taken away from them to the new population of people who have moved here. Also, many have not been as accepting to the new cultures being presented to our community. However, many in Indianapolis fail to realize that many of the Burmese and Indian population create businesses and jobs in our community. As well, many of the Burmese and Indian population are educated and provide their education to the community, which is good. Much of the Burmese migrated from Burma (now Miramar) and sought asylum in the United States due some social issues that were and are existing in their home country. Many Caucasian and African-American population in America haven't had a lot of exposure to these populations and look at them as a threat and potentially are unwelcoming to the new culture in their city.

Many of the Punjabis who have moved here are truck drivers, fast food chain owners, or gas station owners. Many of the Gujarati are hotel owners. The rest of the Indian population are in professional careers such as doctors, accountants, or information technology. Much of the Burmese population own local restaurants and grocery stores where their families work. A lot of the people who have lived in the area for years feel like the Burmese and Indian families are a threat to them being able to succeed or get a good job. The thing they fail to realize is that the Burmese and Indians work together with each other to make sure that they make each other successful. Natives to the area could have been doing the same all of the years that they have been living here, but they were too caught up in being individuals.

Part Two

Create an analysis of the background of the problem. In your analysis, compile and evaluate high quality current and historical research to investigate the circumstances surrounding the problem and its implications for the public service organization. Apply critical thinking skills to provide a comprehensive background to your problem. Consider assumptions about the problem, evidence of its existence, and its impact on relationships and partnerships. Clearly delineate the problem as to the different groups that are affected by it.

Be sure to ensure and consider the validity and reliability of the research sources you discover.

In your assignment, be sure to address the following critical elements that align with the grading criteria:

• Identify and discuss the impacts of diversity, ethics, and cultural competency on the decision-making process related to your selected problem.

• Evaluate the concepts of collaborative and communication techniques that have affected the development of relationships, partnerships, and alliances.

Review the Problem Identification and Background Scoring Guide to ensure you understand the grading criteria for this assignment. Submit your Word document as an attachment in the assignment area.

Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:

1. The answer should be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

2. The response also includes a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

3. Also include a reference page. The Citations and references should follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

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Business Management: Discuss impacts of diversity ethics and cultural competency
Reference No:- TGS02986179

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