
Discuss-hr do to ensure a harmonious work environment

Complete the Assignment:

Conflict Resolution and HR

Working with teams that extend beyond national boundaries can be challenging. Different norms, work styles, values, and laws need to be taken into consideration to succeed. Communication is imperative as is sensitivity to the needs of all parties.

Review the scenario

Imagine you work for a US-based firm and are partnering with a team of workers stationed in a progressive Middle Eastern country. The team's purpose is to develop a modern marketing campaign for a financial services customer. Their goals include completing the campaign design on time, satisfying the customer, and integrating the expertise represented by employees in each country to deliver a quality product to the client. The team is on a strict deadline and reputations and bonuses are at stake.

In this country, there is very little separation between a workers religious beliefs, family, and work. Your team is on a strict deadline, and bonuses are at stake. The local employees take a midday break for two hours for prayers every day. Friday is a religious holiday, which begins at sundown on Thursday and continues through Friday. Saturday is considered a regular day off and they do work on Sunday. The project is due on Monday morning, and the other employees are resentful for having to work overtime.

Imagine you are partnering with a progressive Middle Eastern country. In this country, there is very little separation between a worker's religious beliefs, family, and work. Your team is on a strict deadline, and bonuses are at stake. The local employees take a midday break for two hours for prayers every day. Friday is a religious holiday, and so they do not work from 3:00 p.m. on Thursday until 8:00 a.m. on Monday. The project is due on Monday morning, and the other employees are resentful for having to work overtime.

Answer to the following:

• What could HR do to ensure a harmonious work environment?

• What challenges does a manager face in this situation?

• What approach should a manager take to ensure cooperation rather than resistance?

• What role does communication play in this scenario?

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HR Management: Discuss-hr do to ensure a harmonious work environment
Reference No:- TGS01831850

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