
Discuss how your thinking and feelings changed


Reflection: How have my views on innovation changed?

This problem draws on the concept of the authentic innovator, covered in Week 1. During Week 1 we will have discussed a general inclusive definition of innovation, and challenged some of the stereotypes we may hold about innovation. We will have explored the role of interdisciplinarity, diversity, resilience and empathy in innovation. We also reflected upon our own passions, values and strengths.

This task asks you to reflect on how your views may have changed as a result of experiencing and writing up the Team Collaboration Agreement with your challenge team.

Each student should produce a three minute video (± 20 seconds), with the aim of furthering their peers' understanding of how their views on innovation, and how they see themselves in relation to innovation, have changed. You can talk about any concept covered. Any reflection is valid. We are not looking for particular views. This is personal.

This video is also a way of introducing yourself to the cohort, in relation to why you care about innovation, whilst reflecting upon actions you can take to be a more authentic innovator in the unit - and in your career ahead.

Don't be nervous. This assignment is really about taking a pause to reflect on your experience in Week 1 so you can make the most of the unit and introduce yourself to others.

However, hopefully you'll see that innovation is a general process, method and mindset that can help us each move towards our goals - no matter our individual passions, experience or background.

This video is also about practising effective communication skills. Since communication helps us lead and innovate, it is a thread throughout the unit and part of almost every assessment task.

Your video should contain:

A. An introduction to you, including your name and disciplinary background, why you are drawn to innovation/want to be an innovator, and an overview of the concept or topic form Week 1 you have chosen to focus upon in the video.

B. A description of the topic from Week 1 (Authentic Innovator) that resonated with you or surprised you. This could be a topic from your industry masterclasses or your Team Collaboration Agreement. Tell us why you believe this led to personal learnings that will be useful for you in your career or as you work on your industry challenge. You could talk about many things here e.g. human-centred design, sustainability, empathy, collaboration, resilience, values and purpose, interdisciplinarity, dealing with uncertainty, strengths mapping, etc.

C. An evaluation and analysis of how this changed the way you think and feel about the notion of innovation, as well as yourself as an innovator.

a. Discuss how your thinking and feelings changed
b. Discuss how you had previously thought or felt about innovation and yourself as an innovator and how this has changed

D. A conclusion in the form of one action you will personally take to apply your learning in order to more effectively contribute to your challenge team or how you approach your industry challenge.

The guidelines and rubric are designed to help you loosely follow the famous Gibbs reflective cycle.

As you construct your video, following the steps above, you will describe the situation, evaluate and analyse your changing thoughts and feelings, and conclude with an appropriate action based upon your learning.

Using Gibbs' Reflective Cycle, you can analyse an experience and consider the outcomes for your ongoing personal and professional development.

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Reference No:- TGS03296926

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