
Discuss how your selected issue has evolved to its current

Question: 7-12 page public health issues analysis paper:

I. Introduction

a. Identify and summarize your selected public health issue: " HIV in Adolescents "

b. Discuss your issue's significance to public health. In other words, is it significant because it affects a large percentage of the population, does it affect a largely underserved/disadvantaged population, etc.? Be sure to provide examples and evidence to support your discussion.

c. Discuss how your selected issue has evolved to its current state. How long has the issue been a problem? How has the issue either increased or decreased in severity over time? Remember that this is the introduction, so this portion does not need to be lengthy

II. Public Health Issue Analysis

a. Provide a historical public health perspective about your issue, expanding on the introduction. Give details on the evolution of your selected issue. For example, if the selected issue is heart disease, you would discuss the rise in heart disease over time and what historical events or changes have contributed to the rise in prevalence. These events/changes could include how the change from an agricultural/manual labor society to a more sedentary work life has subsequently caused an overall decrease in physical activity; how transportation policies have affected physical activity; how the increase in smoking prevalence throughout the twentieth century added a large risk factor, etc. This section will look at changes throughout history that have affected your chosen public health issue. Be sure to substantiate your claims with examples and evidence.

b. Identify a population that is at risk for this public health issue. What characteristics make a person more susceptible to facing this issue? Consider the determinants of health .

c. Discuss the social and behavioral factors that contribute to this public health issue. What impact do these factors have on the issue you have selected? Be sure to justify your reasoning.

d. Determine which public health theories you feel might be helpful in addressing your selected issue. Be sure to substantiate your claims with examples and evidence.

e. What contributions have been made by public health agencies, positions, or roles with regard to your selected public health issue? In other words, what role have public agencies or specific positions or employees within the agencies played with regard to delivering public health services for this issue?

III. Program or Intervention Analysis

a. Identify a local, national, or international program or intervention that addresses your issue and assess the impact of the program or intervention on the issue at that level.

b. What contributions have been made by public health agencies, positions, or roles with regard to this program or intervention, and how did their contributions impact outcomes?

c. Evaluate the success of the selected program or intervention (whether it was successful or not). Be sure to justify your evaluation.

d. What social and behavioral factors did this program or intervention address, and did addressing these factors contribute to the success of the program or intervention? Why or why not?

e. What determinants of health did this program or intervention address, and did addressing these issues contribute to the success of the program or intervention? Why or why not?

f. Analyze the program or intervention's use of public health principles and theories to promote behavior change.

g. Discuss the challenges that this program or intervention may have faced. If you feel that it has not faced any challenges, what do you feel are some potential challenges that it could have faced? Be sure to justify your reasoning.

h. Explain how you feel this program or intervention could have been improved by applying basic public health principles or theories discussed in the course. Be sure to support your claims.

IV. Future Outlook

a. Analyze the future outlook of your public health issue at the local, national, or international level. Is the issue expected to improve? Why or why not?

b. What needs to be done in order to continue to promote population health with regard to your selected issue?

• Consider the social and behavioral factors and what needs to be changed in order to promote improvement of the public health issue.

• Consider the determinants of health and what needs to be changed in order to promote improvement of the public health issue.

V. Conclusion:

a. Briefly summarize your public health issue as well as the selected program or intervention.

b. Discuss the impact of this issue on your future role as a public health practitioner.

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Dissertation: Discuss how your selected issue has evolved to its current
Reference No:- TGS02904368

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