
Discuss how you would plan for the workforce in particular


This assessment is a questionnaire (with a mix of objective and subjective questions).

Research the topics and terms mentioned in the questions below and answer all questions in your own words.


Think about an organization that is fast growing and opening a second office in a different city. You are considering to employ a flexible workforce :

1- Discuss how you would plan for the workforce, in particular mention what planning methods you would use.

2- Address how legislation, regulation and policy relate to the flexible work arrangements.

3- What typical challenges would you face when implementing flexible work arrangements (name at least 4)?

4- What strategies would you employ to address the challenges that you have identified when answering question 3 ?

5- Discuss how you would support the flexible workforce to:

a) Resolving issues

b) Identify support needed

c) Engage the flexible workforce with other aspects of the organization, its culture and goals


This assessment requires you to develop and implement a suitable workforce plan for an organisation focusing on flexible work arrangements.
You can choose to develop the plan for either:

• An organisation that you are familiar with that would benefit from implementing flexible workforce arrangements;

• A project or a program that requires a mix of workforce solutions to achieve project/program objectives; or

• An organisation that is planning to grow (opening a new office or plant for example) and requires the use of a flexible workforce.

Complete all the assessment tasks that follow. Please note that some help text is provided to guide you through the completion of your plan. Please delete the help text in your final submission.

The assessment comprises of 3 sections:

• Section 1: Scope workforce requirements

• Section 2: Engage the flexible workforce

• Section 3: Manage the flexible workforce


This section is about:

• Scoping workforce requirements needed to achieve organisational or project/program goals

• Identify and specify workforce capability requirements

• Identify the mix of labour engagement options

• Identify the issues that might impact on the flexible workforce

Your plan should consider the employment of a new workforce in the organisation, the relocation/reconfiguration of the existing workforce or both.

Complete the following plan, ALL points must be addressed.

1. Background information.

Provide detailed information about the organisation and/or project/program that requires the workforce plan.

2. Organisational goals

Identify the key organisational and/or project/program goals.

3. Scoping

Scope the workforce requirements needed to achieve organisational and/or project/program goals.

Describe how the scope of the workforce requirements was undertaken. Address the following:

- What factors were considered when scoping the workforce requirements

- What stakeholders were involved in the scoping of the workforce requirements

- What specific requirements have been identified in terms of competency, capability and capacity

- What budget and resources have been allocated to employ the flexible workforce

- What timelines have been identified for the selection, employment and deployment of the flexible workforce

All points MUST be addressed.

4. Analysis and assessment of labour engagement options

Address the following:

- Create and add a current organisational chart

- Undertake and record the findings of an internal and external workforce supply analysis

- Undertake and record the findings of a gap analysis of demand and supply

- Assess and describe the organisation's workforce planning readiness

- Indicate what industry and enterprise legislation, regulation and policy have been taken into consideration in the assessment work

- Indicate what flexible workforce options/scenarios have been considerations tosupport the achievement of organisational and/or project/program goals

All points MUST be addressed.

5. Labour engagement options

• Identify the best employment mode to adopt (build, borrow, borrow or buy, buy)

• Develop a workforce matrix that addresses the following:

o Job family and/or job function

o Job role

o Department/Team

o Essential skills, competencies and attributes

o Timelines for selection, employment and deployment

o Employment type and status


o HC

o Location

o Mobility

• Include any other information about flexible work options that will be adopted (example: flexible work hours, compressed work weeks or job sharing)

• Include information about the type of teams that are formed with the changes implemented in the workforce. Include information on how the team structure supports the engagement of the workforce.

• Create and add an organisational chart that represents the changes implemented in the workforce

All points MUST be addressed.

6. Potential issues

Identify, list and describe potential issues that could impact on the flexible workforce covering social, industrial, training and performance.


This section is about:

• Engaging the flexible workforce

• Supporting the flexible workforce

• Aligning the flexible workforce arrangements to organisational requirements

Complete the following tasks, ALL points must be addressed.


1. Flexible work arrangements

Summarise what flexible and innovative work arrangements have been undertaken to meet organisation's needs. (You should make reference to the content of your plan in section 1 when developing your summary).

2. Technology

Identify, list and describe the technology (equipment, systems and/or applications) that is utilised to facilitate the work and engagement of the flexible team. Include the reasons why you have chosen that technology.

3. Rights, obligations and responsibilities

Indicate what rights, obligations and responsibilities have been considered for each role how they were communicated to all parties in a clear manner.

4. Monitoring and Review

Identify and describe systems, policies and processes that are utilised to monitor and review suitability to work requirements.


1. Consultative approach

Describe what consultative/participative approach is applied to address the needs of the flexible workforce.

2. Coaching

Describe the coaching support that is provided to support the flexible workforce.

3. Flexible workforce integration

Devise a plan to provide opportunities for the flexible workforce to integrate with other aspects of the organisation.Describe your plan below:

4. Risk management to prevent discrimination

- Apply risk management methods to identify and assess the risks for discrimination against the flexible workforce.

- Devise strategies to manage each risk that you have identified.


1. Innovation and productivity systems

Identify and describe what innovation and productivity systems and processes are embedded in the flexible workforce arrangements.

2. Corporate knowledge

Devise and detail a plan to implement processes to maintain corporate knowledge.

3. Intellectual property

- Identify and describe what IP requirements have been considered when employing the flexible workforce.

- Describe how IP rights and responsibilities requirements have been documented and communicated to employees.

4. Organisational culture

Devise and detail strategies to engender organisation's culture with the flexible workforce.


This section is about the implementation of the flexible workforce arrangements in your organisation and/or project/program.

To complete this section,you have to:

• Consider the plan developed in section 1 and 2 has been implemented

• Reflect on problems (scenarios provided in each question) that have presented and discuss your actions to resolve them

• Provide samples of implemented activities/processes as required

• Make appropriate reference to your plan when answering each scenario

1. One of your employee, who is undertaking flexible work arrangements, is not performing.

a) Indicate what employee (or role from your workforce plan) is not performing

b) Specify what flexible work arrangements are associated with that employee/role

c) Describe what monitoring and review systems, policies and/or processes have been used to monitor the employee

d) Identify what possible causes may impair the employee work

e) Identify what adjustments can be implemented to improve the employee's performance

f) Describe what coaching support will be provided to the employee

g) Create a sample of a coaching session that you would develop to support the employee and include it below or attach it with your submission.


2. You have been requested to increase the workload of your team.

Describe the consultative approach that you would apply to address the needs of the flexible workforce when implementing the additional workload.

3. Review your strategies to engender the organisation's culture with the flexible workforce. Provide a sample of one of the activities and/or processes that have been implemented.

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Operation Management: Discuss how you would plan for the workforce in particular
Reference No:- TGS02512911

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