The majority of students are going to start your career in an employment situation, where you are working for a manager or perhaps several managers, in a knowledge worker type role where you interact with your manager(s) several times a day.
Discuss how you could successfully manage yourself to be a highly productive worker, in an environment were you like the work you do, but you don't like your manager(s).
Hint: Using theories / concepts from the course, such as, 1 Communications, 2 Teamwork, 3 Customer Service Orientation, 4 Problem Solving Orientation, 5 Productivity / Work Ethic and 6 Likeability, to describe your actions.
a) To include both the PowerPoints and the Textbook for each footnote you only need one or the other.
b) Use the Blackboard Yellow Highlighter on the sections you use from the textbook or the PowerPoints slides. I have attached a reminder on how to find the Yellow Highlighter.