
Discuss how the youngers enivrionment impacts their lives

Answer the given questions about several plays and short stories.

Answers should be at least 300 words. Please cite sources when possible.

A Raisin in the Sun

1.Discuss how the Younger's enivrionment impacts their lives.

2. Even though Walter Sr never appears in the play, he is an important character. Discuss his significance.

Midsummer Night's Dream

3.In what ways are the fairy world and the human world the same?

4.Explain how love is unfair.

A Doll House

5. Lying is an important element in the play. Nora tells lies and she and Torvald lie to themeselves. Discuss .

6. Explain Nora's reasons for leaving her home and family. What social obstacles will she have to face?

Death of a Salesman

7. To what extent is this play about "the inside of a man's head"

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Dissertation: Discuss how the youngers enivrionment impacts their lives
Reference No:- TGS01387435

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