
Discuss how the two sets of control charts are different

The student will submit the completed case study in a Word document to the Dropbox by the end of class Week 7. The paper is worth 80 points.

The students will complete and answer the following questions.

1. Calculate X-bar-bar, R-bar, and associated control limits using the data in the table above.

2. Create x¯ and R (average and range) control charts from the data in the table above.

3. Discuss notable out-of-control conditions displayed in the completed x¯ and R (average and range) control charts. Only consider points outside the control limits. Do not consider runs, set of points within certain zones, and so forth.

4. If the conditions you note could be defined as assignable conditions, and they are removed from the process, then what will happen to the X-bar and R control chart?

1. Remove the data related to the out-of-control points you observed from the original data, and recalculate new X-bar-bar, R-bar, and associated control limits.

2. Create new X-bar and R (average and range) control charts from your updated data.

5. Discuss how the two sets of control charts are different. What has changed?

The format of the case study should conform to the Publication Manual for the American Psychological Association (APA), 6th edition, for the title page and text. Citations and references are not required. A basic APA tutorial can be found in the Webliography, and a paper template can be found in Doc Sharing. The completed case study will be submitted to your Dropbox as an MS Word document. All graphics and charts will be a part of the Word document and submitted as a file. Documents authored in other applications, such as WordPerfect or MS Works, will not be accepted.

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Marketing Management: Discuss how the two sets of control charts are different
Reference No:- TGS01754733

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