Discuss how the treaty of versailles contributed to outbreak


WILSON'S FOURTEEN POINTS AND THE TREATY OF VERSAILLES read textbook grade 10 social studies page 70-74 then answer the following questions

Complete the following chart outlining the positions of the Allied powers leading up to the Treaty of Versailles.



Realist or Idealist?


United States 



I. In response to Woodrow Wilson's of self-determination, his Secretary of State, Bainbridge Colby, reacted with confusion and then alarm: ''When the president talks of 'self-determinations', what unit has he in mind? Does he mean a race, a territorial area, or community? It will raise hopes which can never be realized. It will, I fear, cost thousands of lives.

She people now claim that it has ended up costing millions of lives.

Using prior knowledge, knowledge of current events, and by flipping through your Student Workbook, find at least three future conflicts that are a result of self-determination or its imperfect application. Think in terms of states that had/have an ethnic minority, or ethnic groups that have no state.

II. i. What is the War Guilt Clause?
ii. How did the German people react to this clause?

III. Discuss how the Treaty of Versailles contributed to the outbreak of the Second World War.

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History: Discuss how the treaty of versailles contributed to outbreak
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