Discuss how the situation in your country supports or does

Pick a country. Research that country, examining some aspect(s) of its international economic conditions. You should do general research, finding books/articles discussing the economic/financial situation in the country that you choose. Additionally, it will probably be helpful to collect and report some recent international economic data. Charissa Jefferson, Business and Data Librarian has prepared a resource guide with links to many different resources in this area

Your paper should include a discussion/presentation of the information discussed in the previous paragraph. You should also make a connection to some of the economic theories discussed in class or in the textbook. Discuss how the situation in your country supports (or does not support) some of the theories discussed in class. This part of the paper will likely be the most difficult and should involve careful consideration and expenditure of time/effort.

The paper should be double spaced. You should provide a bibliography of any resources used in your research on a separate page at the end of the paper. These should be real sources. Do not reference Wikipedia or some random Blog or web site.

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International Economics: Discuss how the situation in your country supports or does
Reference No:- TGS0978015

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