
Discuss how the development of cohesion is a central

Part A-

1. Which stage is most closely associated with dealing with personal issues and translating insight into action both in the group and outside of it?
a. transition
b. consolidation
c. orientation
d. working

2. Interpreting the meaning of behavior patterns at appropriate times so that members will be able to engage in a deeper level of self-exploration and consider alternative behaviors is most critical at the:
a. initial stage of a group
b. transition stage
c. working stage
d. consolidation stage

3. Which of the following is considered a therapeutic factor of a group?
a. hope
b. commitment to change
c. cognitive restructuring
d. All of the above.

4. Considerable overlapping of stages is common in all groups. This is especially true of movement from the:
a. pregroup interview to the initial stage
b. initial stage to the transition stage
c. transition stage to the working stage
d. working stage to the final stage

5. Trust is best described as:
a. a static entity
b. something that ebbs and flows throughout the life of a group
c. a I i near process
d. a rare phenomenon in group work

6. The goal of the analytic group is to work toward:
a. adequate social adjustment
b. restructuring the client's character and personality system
c. uncovering early experiences
d. ach ievi ng intense feel i ngs in the here and now

7. Psychoanalytic dream work consists of:
a. asking the member to act out all parts of his dream.
b. the leader giving little, if any, interpretations of the dream.
c. having the member analyze and interpret his own dream.
d. band conly

8. An advantage of a group is that:
a. multiple transference can be formed
b. the group becomes a family of yesterday
c. members can benefit from one another's work
d. All of the above.

9. The ego should:
a. be equated with consciousness
b. be equated with conscientiousness
c. not be equated with consciousness
d. be equated with the id and superego

10. The psychoanalytic group can be applied to:
a. an emotionally disturbed population
b. people who are relatively well-functioning
c. adolescents
d. All of the above.

11. A person who is in Erikson's "middle age" stage:
a. is dealing with accepting the inevitability of his own death
b. often suffers from a feeling of hopelessness
c. is adjusting to retirement
d. is concerned with achieving intimacy in his relationships

12. The psychoanalytically-oriented therapist's role is essentially to:
a. initiate rather than to react
b. react rather than to initiate
c. adopt a nonparticipatory stance
d. be completely neutral

13. In today's clinical practice, an interpretation is viewed as:
a. a proposal of meaning
b. an absolute truth
c. invalid unless it is made by a doctoral-level group practitioner
d. a pretentious strategy

14. The Adlerian approach stresses:
a. unconscious factors
b. inferiority and superiority
c. social determinants of personality
d. band conly

15. Adlerian therapy has some similarities to:
a. Cognitive behavior therapy
b. Person-centered approach
c. Rational emotive behavior therapy
d. All of the above.

16. Adler derived his concept of from the German word GemeinschaftsgefOhl.
a. lifestyle
b. social interest
c. family constellation
d. birth order

17. The Adlerian view of insight, according to Mosak and Maniacci, is that:
a. personality is not changed unless there is insight
b. insight is a necessary prerequisite for behavioral change
c. insight is understanding translated into constructive action
d. insight always follows a release of intense feelings

18. Which statement is false regarding the role of the Adlerian group leader?
a. The leader is encouraged to keep somewhat anonymous.
b. The leader adopts a passive role.
c. The leader serves as a model.
d. a and b only

19. During the stage, members put insight into action, making new choices that are more consistent with their desired goals.
a. Establishing and Maintaining Cohesive Relationships with Members
b. Analysis and Assessment
c. Awareness and Insight
d. Reorientation and Reeducation

20. Catching oneself refers to:
a. Adlerian therapists' commitment to catch themselves when they begin to lose their focus during individual or group sessions
b. A universal goal in Adlerian therapy
c. A technique that is used by Adlerians
d. A gimmick that novice group counselors use to get members to focus on their goals

21. is a complex and intense method that involves warm-up, protagonist-centered work, and sharing.
a. Classical psychodrama
b. Jungian psychodrama
c. Neo-Freudian psychodrama
d. Moreno's expressive arts therapy

22. The emphasis on acting in psychodrama is for the purpose of:
a. freeing an individual
b. providing members with a new understanding of their problems
c. providing a here-and-now focus
d. All of the above.

23. The protagon ist is the:
a. person selected to work
b. symbolic figure in a member's life that antagonizes the member
c. group member who serves as an alter-ego
d. director when he or she is role-playing with the member who is working
24. Which of the following techniques is the most useful for helping members clarify and prioritize their values?
a. the mirror technique
b. the magic shop
c. the double technique
d. future projection

25. Psychodrama was designed to facilitate the expression of feelings in a spontaneous and dramatic way through the use of:
a. free association
b. role playi ng
c. dream analysis
d. shame-attacking exercises

Part B-

1. Discuss how the development of cohesion is a central characteristic of the working stage of a group. What is your understanding of "group cohesion"? What factors lead to this unity in a group?

2. Adler believed that what we are born with is not crucial, but rather the use we make of our natural endowment. Explain this statement and give your own views on an individual's capacity for creativity and choice.

3. What are auxiliary egos and how are they used in psychodrama? Explain briefly the functions of auxi I iary egos.

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Reference No:- TGS01155140

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5/10/2016 5:58:42 AM

For the following statement, pick up the right one and provide your justifications to support your response. Q1. Name the phase which is most closely related with dealing with the personal issues and translating insight to action both in the group and outside of it? a) Orientation b) Consolidation c) Transition d) Working Q2. Which of the given is considered as a therapeutic factor of the group? a) Cognitive restructuring b) Commitment to change c) Hope d) All of above Q3. Considerable overlapping of phases is common in all groups. This is particularly true of movement from the: a) Transition phase to the working phase b) Initial phase to the transition phase c) Pre-group interview to the initial phase d) Working phase to the final phase Q4. A person who is in Erikson's ‘middle age’ phase: a) Adjusting to retirement b) Often suffers from feeling of hopelessness c) Dealing with accepting the certainty of his own death d) accomplishing intimacy in relationships