Discuss how the conditioned behavior might be extinguished



In this discussion assignment, you are required to identify one media example of classical conditioning and one media example of operant conditioning (television, commercials, advertisements, etc.). You can search for the media on YouTube or any other streaming video service (as long as you can copy and share the link with the class).

For the Classical Conditioning example, complete the following:

1. Describe the media source in detail.

2. In the classical conditioning example, identify the NS, UCS, UCR, CS, and the CR in detail.

3. Discuss how the conditioned behavior might be extinguished.

For the Operant Conditioning example, complete the following:

1. Describe the media source in detail.

2. Identify and explain the type (is the consequence a reinforcement or punishment?).

3. Identify and explain if the consequence is positive or negative.

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Reference No:- TGS02090504

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