
Discuss how the battle of verdun is an excellent example of

Part 1- True/False Section

In response to the statement made, record a ‘T' if the entire statement is TRUE, or ‘F' if any or all of the statement is FALSE

1) WWI was the first modern war.

2) The Allies were the United States, France and the Soviet Union.

3) The feminist movement excludes men.

4) Mark Twain birth and death coincided with Halley's Comet.

5) The 1920's were marked by a tightening of social mores such as drinking and sex.

6) The American Civil War saw the first examples of plastic surgery.

7) The information age began with the development of the internet.

8) Blake's poetry was a reaction to the Industrial Revolution.

9) The Axis Powers were Germany, Japan, and Italy.

10) Matthew Brady was a photographic war correspondent in WWII.

Part 2- Matching Section

Record the letter associated with the word in the column on the right that best corresponds with the word in the left column

11) Wordsworth                     A) BalletRusses

12) Debussey                         B) Nijinsky

13) Tchiakovsky                     C) Beagle

14) Serge Diaghilev                 D) Walden

15) Chopin                             E) Piano

16) Douglass                         F) Ballet

17) Thoreau                          G) Poetry

18) Darwin                            H) Abolition

Part 3- Multiple Choice Section (5pts each)

Record the letter which best completes the phrase or is best associated with the statement made.

19) In the Rape of Nanking, tens of thousands of women were raped to death by:

A) The Forces of Mao Tsetung

B) The Forces of Japan

C) The Forces of Chiang Kai Shek

D) The Forces of North Korea

E) None of the Above

20) Which of the following artists painted during the Impressionism Period?

A) Degas

B) Monet

C) Renoir

D) Pissarro

E) All of the Above

21) The wrongful application of evolution to societal development is know as:

A) Social Darwinism

B) Social Ethnocentrism

C) Social Freudianism

D) Social Totalitarianism

E) None of the Above

22) The painting style developed by Picasso is known by what geometric term?

A) Cubism

B) Rectilinearism

C) Tetrahedism

D) Triangularism

E) None of the Above

23) Which country was the last to abolish slavery?

A) Brazil

B) Columbia

C) France

D) Germany

E) United States of America

24) The social theorist who developed Communism

A) Castro

B) Lenin

C) Marx

D) Stalin

E) None of the Above

25) The development of photography as an art form led to the decline of which artist movement?

A) Roccoco

B) NeoClassical

C) Modernism

D) Impressionism

E) None of the Above

26) Which technological development had the greatest impact on transportation?

A) Petroleum exploration

B) Combustion engine

C) Electronic navigation

D) Steam engine

E) Asphalt

27) Which of the following countries pulled out of Africa after WWII?

A) England

B) France

C) Germany

D) Holland

E) All of the Above

28) Who was the developer of AC electrical power

A) Edison

B) Einstein

C) Tesla

D) Westinghouse

Part 4- Short Answer Section Answer the prompts in complete sentences in the space allotted.

29) Discuss how the Battle of Verdun is an excellent example of the futility of war

30) How was slavery today different than in centuries past?

31) Discuss the notion of the Noble Savage.

32) What is totalitarianism?

33) Describe how Neoclassicism was demonstrated in the art and architecture of the period.

36) Describe the irony in the juxtaposition between the notion of Enlightenment and the colonization of South America.

Part 5- Essay Section

Construct two short, well-reasoned essays with proper grammar (complete sentences, spelling, punctuation) in the space provided based upon the prompts below:

A) Describe the impact of the Great Depression on the outbreak of WWII.

B) Describe three post-WWII reactions to the war.

C) How did energy source development impact industrialization?

D) Describe the manner in which power shifted from the Church (Rome) to monarchies in the period and include three results of that shift in the arts, politics, armed conflict, and/or architecture .

E) Describe how three major factors contributed to the proliferation of the African slave trade.

F) How did the urban infrastructure of this period differ from the medieval period and what was the resultant impact of the quality of life of urbanites?

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History: Discuss how the battle of verdun is an excellent example of
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