Discuss how sm has given voice to issues of pay inequality


Outline: Trolls and Weaponized Ignorance

• Start with the misogyny on social media. Discuss "Gamergate." Use Quotes from Harris to support.

• Discuss body dysmorphia and gender stereotypes associated with SM especially Instagram. Use Martin quotes.

• Transition to positive applications of SM. Discuss social movements like #MeToo. Use Davidson quotes.

• Connect sex harassment with other issues of work place inequality. Discuss how SM has given voice to issues of pay inequality and brought transparency into the corporate world. Use quotes from the NY Times article.

• Connect corporate inequality with political inequality. Discuss gap in representation in elected positions and how SM has given power to newly elected female candidates. Use stats from Pew Research Center to support.

• Discuss ways these changes have created backlash and the ways in which even some supporters of gender equality worry they have gone too far in some instances.

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English: Discuss how sm has given voice to issues of pay inequality
Reference No:- TGS03357191

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