
Discuss how psychological theory helps shape questions



Clinical practitioners rely upon client reported histories of personal, medical, academic, social, emotional contexts and backgrounds from which to begin an evaluation of a client's potential psychological assessment needs. This often includes the history of a client's family members background details as well. Assume you are working in a practice where clients are received through intake procedures and are required to provide historical details about themselves and family members prior to being evaluated.


A. Formulate a set of questions for an intake questionnaire that would gather information needed to get a complete history and background of a client and relatives.

a. Screening and Assessment (opens in a new window)

B. Address the following in a written reflection that includes the questions you suggest for the examination.

a. Discuss how an intake questionnaire might gather information about wellness.

b. Discuss how psychological theory helps shape questions or instruments that measure psychological, emotional, social wellness, physical health or personality.

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Reference No:- TGS03350125

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