
Discuss how p and q can be estimated emperically from a

Consider the channel model illustrated in Figure. The probability of error given that the channel is in the good state is 0 and the probability of error given that the channel is in the bad state is 1.

1851_Channel Mode.jpg

(a) Generate a 10,000-bit sequence with p = 0.01 and q = 0.99. Construct a histogram of the burst length and the inter-error gap (error-free run) distributions.

(b) Discuss how p and q can be estimated emperically from a histogram of (simulated) burst length and inter-error gap distributions. Estimate p and q.

(c) Use the Baum-Welch algorithm to estimate p and q. Compare with the empirical estimates obtained from the histograms.

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Electrical Engineering: Discuss how p and q can be estimated emperically from a
Reference No:- TGS01705012

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