
Discuss how hippolytus and the didascalia argue

Problem 1: Discuss how Hippolytus (The Apostolic Tradition) and the Didascalia argue for the necessity of female deacons and also how they describe the function of widows.

Problem 2: "The Structure of Early Christianity: The Development of Church Offices"

(First Clement, 432-35; The Didache, 436-37; The Letters of Ignatius to the Ephesians, Magnesians, and Smyrneans, 437-41; Hippolytus: The Apostolic Tradition, 44-46; The Didiascalia, 446-54; Cyprian: On the Unity of the Church, 454-56.)


a) Discuss the issue that gave rise to 1 Clement and how does the writing seek to set things back in order?

b) Discuss the way in which the Didache provides literary evidence for the transition from charismatic-itinerant to established-residential leadership. Why was this transition necessary?

c) After reading the selections from Ignatius of Antioch, discuss how he develops his rationale (theology?) of church offices and ecclesial order.

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