
Discuss how general administrative theories influenced

1. What elements of the scientific management are still used in today’s workplace?

2. At Amazon, the teams are small and they are assigned authority and empowered to solve a customer service problem in any way they see fit. Employees are instructed to work from the customer backward and to focus on value they want to deliver to the customer. What makes this successful organization effective?

3. A customer service firm is having issues with managerial decision-making. The managers are basing their planning decisions on criteria independent of company strategy and not necessarily aligned with goals. Which organizational theory could help the team diagnose their issues?

4. How has the quantitative approach influenced current management techniques?

5. Discuss how general administrative theories influenced current management techniques?

6. What is systems theory?

7. What are the steps in the journey to organizational effectiveness?

8. Which theory or theories applies most to the planning function of management and why?

9. What is the contingency approach to management?

10. Which theory applies most to the leading function of management and why?

11. What are the origins of the human relations approach?

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Operation Management: Discuss how general administrative theories influenced
Reference No:- TGS02922491

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