Discuss how european immigrant workers were attacked


Show how Chinese, white and black workers were ALL attacked in the 1880s. Use the Haymarket massacre from Howard Zinn to discuss how European immigrant workers were attacked. Use the videos about Rock Springs etc on the Chinese question. And use Slavery by Another name video for the convict leasing. Use all of that info to explain to the following: How did the US ruling class make a conscious effort to keep the working class divided and turned against each other based on racism in the 1880s? Answer this question by creating a "POLITICAL CARTOON" to show us the history. In addition use 5 of these key terms (Super-exploitation, Imperialism, Plessy vs. Ferguson, Jim Crow, Craft unionism vs. Industrial unionism, Proletarian, Class Struggle, Industrial Revolution), also, make sure your cartoon shows us WHERE, WHEN, WHO, WHAT is happening in each of the situations.

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History: Discuss how european immigrant workers were attacked
Reference No:- TGS03346734

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