
Discuss how education contributes to the preservation and

Part -1:

a) Discuss how education contributes to the preservation and progress of society? Give examples from the Indian context.

b) Discuss critically the concerns of quality and excellence in higher education as discussed in the 12th June - Year Plan.

c) Discuss any two implications of privatization of higher education on the students coming from disadvantaged backgrounds. Take any private college in your area, and through a case study, highlight the following:

1. Type of courses taught
2. Student-teacher radio
3. Student fee and enrolment
4. Admission policy

Part -2:

a) Discuss various teaching competencies a teacher at higher education level ought to develop in order to perform his/ her roles effectively.

b) Explain briefly how emerging information and communication technologies (ICTs) can be effectively used to optimise student learning an the tertiary level.

c) Choose a subject of your choice at undergraduate level. Prepare a question paper on the same subject for the Annual Examination.

Part -3:

a) Discuss the influence of individual variation in cognition in the teaching-learning process?

b) Discuss the concept of power and authority in managing a college.

c) Interview any five college students on the psychological problems and difficulties faced at home. Analyse it and write a report.

Part -4:

a) Discuss cooperative learning as a technique for teaching-learning and classroom management.

b) Critically analyse the governance model in your university. Suggest ways for improving the present system of university governance. 

c) Discuss the importance of selection of media in curriculum transaction. Give examples.

Part -5:

a) Explain the concept of distance education as provided by Charles Wedmeyer. As a distance learner, do you agree with his explanation? Justify your answer

b) Explain how changing attitudes of people of India towards education have made distance education a socio-political imperative. 

c) Critically analyse micro-issues related to the delivery of learning inputs in distance teaching institutes.

Part -6:

a) Explain, with examples, how behaviourist and cognitive approaches to learning can be applied to design of self-learning materials.

b) Discuss briefly how a course is prepared in a distance education programme.

c) Identify a topic of your choice from secondary school level and prepare a distance learning unit on the same topic incorporating the key features of a unit.

Part -7:

a) Explain the significance of teaching study skills in distance education system. Discuss how study skills of distance learners can be improved. 

b) What is the importance of counselling in distance education system? Suggest how counselling can be used to optimise learning of distance learners.

c) Discuss, with the help of examples, how tutor comments can enhance the quality of student learning in distance education

Part -8:

a) Explain the major perspectives which influence planning and management of distance education. Analyze the constraints involved in planning and management of Distance Education.

b) ‘Open and Distance Education has opened opportunity for quality higher education for all'. Do you agree with this statement? Discuss the role of various policy initiatives in increasing accessibility and expansion of distance education in India.

c) Differentiate between single mode and dual mode distance education institutions. Explain the similarities and differences in student support services of Indira Gandhi National Open University and United Kingdom Open University (UKOU).

Part -9:

a) Discuss briefly various uses of communication technology in distance education.

b) Describe, with an example, different steps that you would follow while writing a script for a video programme.

c) Explain how you will choose and integrate different media in development course materials as well as their delivery.

Part -10:

a) Explain the meaning and features of constructive approach to learning. Choose a topic of your choice from elementary level. Illustrate how the same topic can be taught with constructivist approach.

b) Differentiate between synchronous & asynchronous feedback. Discuss the role of synchronous feedback in facilitating learning.

c) What are the various types of teleconferencing? Discuss critically the role of teleconferencing in facilitating student learning at a distance.

Part -11:

a) Which model of communication would you prefer to use in your classroom. Justify.

b) Describe the role of access devices and activities in the printed self learning material you have been using for this course.

c) Write a short note on desktop publishing and computer graphics.

Part -12:

a) Write a short note on the use of computer for text creation.

b) Discuss the use of Internet for research.

c) Discuss the use of multimedia for educational purpose.

Part -13:

a) Discuss the importance of audio and video media in education.

b) Describe the factors that are important for curriculum development.

c) Prepare a script for audio medium on any topic.

Part -14:

a) Differentiate between political models of educational management and subjective models of educational management .Describe their importance with special reference to present Indian educational system.

b) Explain the nature and management structure of Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) scheme. 

c) Identify a problem for action research and prepare a proposal for conducting an action research on the selected topic.

Part -15:

a) Discuss the role and functions of Zilla Parishad in the management of primary education.

b) Discuss critically how SSA is fulfilling the needs of universalization of elementary education in India.

c) Explain briefly the projects and innovative schemes launched in your state for universalization of elementary education.

Part -16:

a) Explain the factors affecting the cohesiveness of the group.

b) Discuss the role of transformational leadership in educational institutions.

c) Suggest the model you will adopt to resolve the conflict among the group members in your institution. Also, explain the reasons for adopting the proposed model.

Part -17:

a) What do you understand by management of evaluation. Discuss the various steps involved in management of evaluation.(500 Words)

b) Explain the role of University Grants Commission (UGC) in the management of higher education. 

c) Suppose you have to prepare the budget for your institution, explain the steps you will follow to do the same.

Part -18:

a) Describe major changes in the policy direction of adult education in India since independence.

b) Discuss different sociological approaches to adult education? Explain the relevance of structural functionalism to adult education.

c) Highlight different approaches to curriculum development in adult education. Which of these approaches, according to you, are suitable for increased community participation in the process of curriculum development?

Part -19:

a) Describe the resource support structure of adult education in India.

b) Discuss the role of universities and colleges in adult, continuing education and extension.

c) What are the principles of participatory training? Explain their significance, with suitable examples, in imparting adult education.

Part -20:

a) Explain the terms ‘data', information', ‘knowledge' and ‘wisdom'. How do you differentiate tacit knowledge from explicit knowledge?

Describe the pre-requisites and the major challenges of knowledge management in adult education. 

b) What is information dissemination? Describe the basics of information dissemination with emphasis on customising information for dissemination to adults.

c) Convergence is one of the best strategies for marching towards a learning society. Justify the statement with suitable reasons and examples.

Part -21:

a) Present an overview of practice of extension education in India with emphasis on the evolution in the extension models.

b) What are the principles to be considered and the steps involved in planning and development of extension programme?

c) Explain how disparities in development lead to marginalization and exclusion of the deprived? Explain further as to how extension education can help in reducing the disparities?

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